Rose Gulkand Ice Cream
Rose Gulkand Delight with Daily Farmer’s Damask Rose Gulkand

At Daily Farmer, we are excited to introduce our premium Damask Rose Gulkand, a sweet...

Wholesome Millets
Wholesome Millets

Millets, the small-seeded grasses that have been cultivated for thousands of years, are making a...

Dates powder
Dates powder, dry dates powder, khajur powder, khajur protein, kharik powder What is Dates Powder and Its Benefits Compared to Other Natural Sweeteners?

Dates powder, also known as dry dates powder or khajur powder, is a natural sweetener...

Rose Petal Powder
Rose petal powder, rose powder, rose powder for face The Beauty and Wellness Benefits of Rose Petal Powder: A Natural Remedy for Your Skin and Health

Rose petal powder, a natural and versatile ingredient, offers numerous benefits for both skincare and...

Raw Honey
Raw Honey

At Daily Farmer, we pride ourselves on bringing you the finest natural products, and our...

Plant based seeds
Plant based seeds

In the world of superfoods, plant-based seeds like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, and...